JVID Tiny, Zephyle, honey party night, and your meatsticks go to Me, and the CCR real-ass drama at the top of the statio

9885   7 months ago
BeeDee | 830 subscribers
9885   7 months ago
JVID Tiny, Zephyle, honey party night, and your meatsticks go to Me, and the CCR real-ass drama at the top of the station, the primarys mate, the coolies, Tiny Taiwan.

He's a socialist and a foreign-language coolie. He's always been an intern. No one in school doesn't know. She, along with a blonde hair and a bright eye, kept the coolies a long way from looking for them.

This semester has coincided with the arrival of a Polish exchange student, with a handsome face, who certainly will not miss such a figure as Coolko, who soon became familiar with each other and developed from linguistic communication to physical interaction.

Her best friend Tiny is not as passionate as she is, although she has a lovely face, but he doesn't speak English with a little inkling. He's a good friend in high school, and he knows that he's connected to Polish students in the faculty, and Tiny's got to say something.

♪ Hey! It's not fair, right? "All the handsome guys like you."
"So what? You want to see it too?"
"Speaks like I can if I want to." We don't understand each other.
"Please! What's the age? "Everybody uses body formation!"
"So it's a threesome."
"If you want to see it, I'll ask! Why are you so shy? The foreigners are open!"

As a result, a friendly diplomacy with each other’s bodies began, and Riko and Tiny were preparing their respective caps for Poland’s exchange, which was the first time that Tiny had used a cock, with both expectations and tensions and uncertainty as to whether it would be sustainable.

The first time the whole body was free of sex