JVID, Rob, Jessica's first experience series, uterus oil massage, Taiwan

1445   7 months ago
BeeDee | 827 subscribers
1445   7 months ago
JVID, Roy, Jessica's first experience series, uterus oil massage, Taiwan.

Jessica, one day on the road, someone sent her a flyer,

It says, "Five-star massages." Special price. 999.
Jessica thinks it's time for us to relax.
So I went to this five-star massage parlour.

It's a nice place to be, and it's private.
After the massage, you can take a free shower.
It was so reassuring that it was all naked and covered with towels.

A masseuse. And a polite hello.
I'm telling you, Jessica, lay down.

The first massages were normal arms, thighs and chest massages
But it seemed like there was something going on in Jessica's mind about how he was hot.
I think it's a good relationship.
At this moment, the masseuse suddenly removes the towel from his chest...
Started to press the cavities of Jessica's chests.

Oh, my God. Jessica was trying to resist it.
But the masseuse's way too good, too good.
I'll enjoy myself.

When I'm really enjoying myself,
The masseuse said, "Do you want to strengthen your leg, but get your panties back?"
Jessica, I think this masseuse has a very special secret.
So shy, that means yes,

So Jessica was satisfied with being strengthened by a masseuse, "the inside."
(This part of the video needs to be given in a gift mode)

At this time, Jessica's having a great time, and it's almost up.
And then she pushed it straight down!
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